Using current date in if statement

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Jessica M
Advanced Member
Posts: 34
Advanced Member

    I am hoping someone can help me with a COBOL statement.  I haven't touched cobol in quite a while and my co-worker that usually works with our custom cobol is out of the office for a bit.

    I have a custom program that was excluding any employee with a term date in a file.  They now want to change it to include anyone termed that day. 

    The current statement is:

    IF (EMP-TERM-DATE > "00000000")
                GO TO 1040-NEXT-EMPLOYEE.

    How do I change this to "GO TO 1040-NEXT-EMPLOYEE" when "EMP-TERM-DATE" is before the current date?

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this.

    Ragu Raghavan
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 471
    Veteran Member
      GO TO 1040-
      Jessica M
      Advanced Member
      Posts: 34
      Advanced Member
        Thank you so much. That appears to have worked.
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